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8 Mind Blowing Facts

Harbin: A Chinese City Built by Russians

8 Mind-Blowing Facts

1. The Border

The Chinese-Russian border or the Sino-Russian border is the international border between China and Russia. After the final demarcation carried out in the early 2000s, it measures 4209.3 kilometers.

2. Heihe

The proximity to the Russian border has also had an impact on life in Heihe. Alenka chocolate and cow's milk are particular favorites. If you want to understand the China-Russia relationship, the frozen border city of Heihe is a good place to start. It is a bleak, bitterly cold place even at this time of year.

3. Harbin

Harbin is the largest city in northeastern China covering an area of 53,100 square kilometers around 20,463 square miles slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia.


Harbin is a fascinating city with a unique history and culture. Its Russian heritage is evident in its architecture, food, and people. If you are interested in learning more about China's relationship with Russia, Harbin is a great place to start.
